Thursday, March 5, 2009

about now

in hangzhou, china construction sites are part of everyday life. the general public has to navigate through construction material, workers, and the unfamiliar new landscape. The pedestrian becomes an observer that takes part in the evolution, history layering of his town, his street. Observation and movement alone can make the pedestriant also a participant in the construction and deconstruction.
A bond is created between city and citizen through this kind of experience. Experiencing the site as it changes, grows or disappears creates memories that outlast the physical manifestation of change. memory imbues the site with a life that seems to fleet amist the noise and clutter of construction.
when we revisit our hometowns we are either perplexed at the changes that took place in them or relieved that it stayed the same. the act of returning somewhere and experiencing change or continuity is relative to the period of time away from said place.
the regulation of periods of time and change in space will start taking a greater role in my project.
the construction, demolition, population, and depopulation of spaces have to be regulated to create a more meaningful experience.

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